Hawk Headed Parrot For Sale


Being very friendly birds, Hawk headed parrots will follow you around the home the entire day if allowed. They love attention. They will also thoroughly enjoy being held close to the body and petted on the top of the head and under the wings. They will actually fall asleep laying on or close to you. And although they are quite loyal and attached to their main human companion, they will frequently play with any individual.


Hawk headed parrot for sale


Hawk headed parrot for sale, the Hawk headed Parrot is a most unusual looking pet parrot. Though most parrots can raise their neck feathers to some degree when they get excited, the extensive ‘hawk-like’ ruff display is unique to the Hawk-Heads. When it raises its colorful neck feathers it resembles an open fan, leading to another common name besides Hawk-head. It’s also frequently called the Red Fan Parrot.

Hawk-headed parrots have been described as endearing, mischievous, adventuresome, and fearless. This bird is intelligent and its personality has many facets. A wonderfully entertaining bird, the Hawk-Headed parrot will forever amuse you with new antics; a clown in its play. Some behaviors and movements are so bizarre it is mesmerizing.

Being very friendly birds, the hawk headed parrots will follow you around the home the entire day if allowed. Hawk head parrots love attention and cuddles. They will also thoroughly enjoy being held close to the body and petted on the top of the head and under the wings. They will actually fall asleep laying on or close to you. And although they are quite loyal and attached to their main human companion, they will frequently play with any individual.

If their cage is big enough and there are lots of toys available, these parrots are also happy to entertain themselves. They will swing from toys while lying on their backs or hanging upside down, their wings and crown completely extended. Of course, they’ll play and swing just as effortlessly from your hair or shirt. They excite everyone around them as they move from person to person like a helicopter. In terms of both its behavior and the gorgeous coloring of its feathers, this parrot is unquestionably one of the most unusual.


Care and feeding of hawk headed parrot 


Food and water should be available to the hawk-head Parrots at all times. The water should be kept fresh and changed daily and the bowls should be kept clean. Hawk-Heads eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.

They do require a higher fat diet, similar to the macaw and they definitely enjoy those nuts and meat. Avocado and chocolate are considered toxic for birds and sugar and salt should be avoided. Human food or prepared foods should be removed from the cage after 4 hours.

These parrots require frequent bathing to keep their feathers healthy and are happy to have a bath in the kitchen sink or the shower. Turn the water on a light spray and they will frequently lay on their backs with their feet straight up displaying the full extent of crown as they bounce up and down on their backs.


Social Behaviors of hawk headed parrot 


As a pet in your home, you or members of your family are the other half of the pair. They sleep singly in a tree but close to the flock. They are very social and will become quite attached to their human caretaker, as well as very willing to interact with other people. Their call is either a very soft cooing or talking when in it wants affection or is curled up on your chest or under your neck.

The Hawk headed Parrot (for sale) is quiet when playing alone in its cage, or with you. At times though, they become very excited or upset and they will make a high-pitched call that can be quite loud. They are having a temper tantrum. This definitely occurs if you eat in front of them without sharing your food or when they feel they should be the boss. The Hawk-Headed Parrot will make a hissing sound if it is mad or frightened which is believed to be a defensive behavior. It is definitely a sound that most living things would surely back away from.


Hawk Headed Parrot Speech and Sounds
The regular sounds that most parrots pick up are also a trait of hawk-headed parrots.  They are normally quiet when playing by themselves, with occasional murmurs and delicate sounds that simulate human speech.However, given their grumpiness and tendency to exert their will, they will get agitated and noisy if their requests are not met.  When a Hawk-Headed Parrot is upset, he makes a lot of high pitched caws, piercing whistles, and screams.



The basic cage care includes daily cleaning of the water and food dishes. Their cage should be maintained clean, which is simple to accomplish using cage paper or newspaper placed beneath the grate and retrieved as needed. When necessary, wipe down the cage with a disinfectant to ensure its cleanliness. All perches and soiled toys should be washed weekly, and the floor should be cleaned every other week. An aviary should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected once a year, and any items that need to be replaced, such as old dishes, toys, and perches, should be replaced.


Speech and Sounds

The usual sounds that most parrots will pick up are a trait of Hawk headed Parrots as well. When playing by themselves, they are usually quiet, with occasional whispers and soft sounds that mimic human speech. But given their grumpiness and a tendency to exert their will, they will get loud and noisy when their wishes are not granted. High pitched caws, piercing whistles and screams are plenty when a Hawk-Headed Parrot gets angry.


Red fan parrots need lots of space to play, fly, and explore. They are very active birds and will scream if they get bored or unhappy. Puzzle toys and foraging activities for mealtime can help keep their minds occupied.

Additional information


Male, Female, Pair


4-8 Months, 9 Months – 1 Year, 2-5 Years


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