Emu for sale



Emu for sale

Emu for sale.The Emu has a rich history and controversy about where its name originated and to what bird family it is classified. Being populated all over Australia, it’s an important part of their culture and is featured on the coat of arms and many coins. There are many subcategories and species of the Emu, some extinct, but the bird is common enough to be of little concern for extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Emu  Social Behaviors

Females pursue males in this species of ratite. There is a lot of dancing involved. Females actually change color while courting a male! Their feathers grow darker and the skin beneath their eyes turns a bluish color. They pull their neck back, puff their feathers out, and make mating calls that have been described to sound like drumming.


Like other birds of their kind, ratite, Emus are territorial of their young and their eggs. Females lay eggs the male will incubate and watch over primarily. The family unit might stick together for the duration of the season, but the female may move on to lay eggs for the next male. They make loud noises to protect their territory from unwanted visitors or unusual objects they will “boom” and grunt as well.

Incubation of the eggs takes a male 8 weeks, where he leaves them for nothing and stands only to turn the eggs up to ten times a day. He loses 1/3 of his body weight during this period and survives solely on his fat stores. The “love” of the father does not end there. Chicks hatched are grown when they are around 6 months of age and the father protects and teaches them for about 7 months. During this time he develops a kind of disdain for any other creature, including the mother, sleeps with his chicks tucked into his feathers and can sit upon them to protect them at any given moment. When the chicks are grown, they can stay with the family for up to 6 months or go off to mate for the first time.


Emu Diet

What do emus eat? Emus are omnivores. They eat fruit, seeds, beetles, small reptiles, and even the droppings of other animals.

Emus have no teeth so they can’t grind up the plants and animals they eat. So, they swallow small pebbles that go into their gizzard (a part of the emu’s stomach). The pebbles grind food pieces down for proper digestion.
Emus contribute to the ecosystem by seed dispersal. These birds eat a lot of plants, fruits, and seeds. When they leave droppings behind, they disperse seeds so more plants can grow.
Think about it. Emus wander from 9 to 15 miles each day. This means they drop seeds in a variety of areas throughout their habitat.
They also help to control the insect population by eating beetles, cockroaches, and other bugs.


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