Canary Bird

(1 customer review)


Canaries for sale

Canaries for sale,these little birds are ideal for small living quarters and do very well in captivity. Though primarily a cage bird, they make excellent pets for beginners and do not harm children. They are very hardy, docile, and have low care requirements. They are also fairly easy to breed.

Some people prefer a male canary as all males kept as a single bird can sing, even if they were bred for other characteristics. Some females will also sing, though their song is not as strong as the male. The Roller canary is considered the best singer. Many people like to show canaries. They come in a wide variety of colors from yellows to whites, blue and white mixes, and deep oranges to light reds. The redder the canary the more valuable it is, with the Red-Factor being the most valuable.


Caring for Canaries (for sale)

A cage that is at least 20 inches wide and 24 inches long is required for a single canary. These birds enjoy flying, so if possible, provide them with a cage that is longer than it is wide to allow them to do so. A pet canary’s wings should never be trimmed since it needs to fly for exercise. Wooden cages are more difficult to clean than wire cages.

To give places for your canary to rest and exercise its feet, install wood perches of varied diameters (3/8 to 3/4 inch) around the cage. These notches make it easier to grip the poles. Variety in perches keeps your bird’s feet limber. Perch coverings made of sandpaper should be avoided. They have the potential to injure your canary’s feet.

If you notice a canary’s mouth agape and its wings held away from their body, that is a sign it is hot. If you see that the bird is puffed up a lot, that can be a sign it is too cold.

Provide a shallow dish of water or a special bath bought at a pet store at least three or four times a week for the bird to soak in or flit around in the water.

Cover the cage at night—canary birds need their rest and will do best if given a light/dark cycle that approximates natural conditions. It is not healthy to keep canaries up late at night with artificial light; it can stress them out.


Personality and Behavior of Canaries

Canary keepers are among the most zealous of all bird keepers; mastering the hundreds of canary types, each with its own unique characteristics, requires more than a little zeal. Canaries for sale, are bred for one of three main characteristics: song, color, or type (look), albeit the male bird in each kind sings.

Song canaries are bred to perform competent concertos, and many are bred to have a specific song, which they frequently demonstrate at canary song competitions; popular song canaries include the American singer, German roller, Spanish timbrado, and waterslagger. The red factor and the yellow (clear) canaries are the most popular in this category; they are bred for their color and can be fed manufactured and naturally coloured food to increase color.

Border canaries, crested canaries, fife canaries, Gloster canaries, lizard canaries, and Norwich canaries are common type canary breeds with physical traits such as a mop of “hair” or frills. These are, of course, just a handful of the many canaries available today.



Canaries enjoy being around people but do not appreciate heavy handling in the way that budgies and parrots do. Canaries are intelligent birds. Many owners can train their canary to sit on their hand, move to a perch, or direct the bird to fly around the room. Young birds are easier to train, but you can tame and train most canaries with enough patience and consistent practice.

The canary is a relatively solitary bird; it will not get lonely if housed alone in a cage. It can also coexist in an aviary environment with other small birds. They only no-no is housing two male canaries together in a single cage, as they will likely fight.

Speech and Sound

Most canary beginners choose a canary that sings well over a beautiful beauty with a mediocre song. Finding an excellent singer is a difficult task that requires ability and expertise. When a male canary reaches maturity at 6 months or more, he sings the longest and loveliest songs. Experts advise hearing a bird sing before purchasing it or consulting a reputable breeder. Hens can also sing, but not as effectively or as frequently.

1 review for Canary Bird

  1. indicator

    Awesome post.

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