

Cockatiel for sale


Cockatiel for sale,Affectionate and clever, Cockatiels are one of the most popular pets. Since early Europeans first returned home from Australia with these endearing little birds, they have continued to grow in popularity. Today, besides the standard grey cockatiel, there are a variety of cockatiel mutations to choose from. You will find these gentle little birds vying for the ‘top pet bird’ position, with only the Budgerigar (parakeet) and some of the Canary breeds giving close competition

Cockatiels, sometimes simply known as ‘tiels’, have so many positive traits as a pet, it is hard to know which characteristics are the most important. They are low cost, hardy, clean, intelligent, gentle, inquisitive, playful, quiet, adaptable, undemanding, easily trained, easily bred, and the list goes on! They can often learn to talk, especially the males, and can easily be taught all kinds of tricks.

Do you live in an apartment or condominium? Are there children about? Are you on the go a lot or gone for extended periods of time? Do you have a limited pet budget? Do you like to be greeted and admired? If so, then the cockatiel could very well be just the pet for you and your family!

Cockatiels are one of 52 species of parrot native to Australia. An interesting fact about them is that they are one of Australia’s fastest flyers. Australians call them the “Quarrian”, and they are also known as Weiro.


Cockatiel (for sale) Care


A pair of birds will make good company for each other. But, they may not bond as well with you or mimic speech and sounds. Keeping a single bird is fine, but you need to spend a significant amount of time interacting with the cockatiel daily. If your lifestyle makes this impossible, get a pair of birds to prevent loneliness and self-harming behavior.

These cockatiel birds are naturally messy and they produce powdery dust on their feathers. It is used in grooming and may leave a powdery coating on cages and accessories. Bathe or spray your bird with water once a week. Regular cleaning of the cage is necessary. Many cockatiel cages come with a removable bottom tray to make the task easier.

Cockatiel “for sale” are active and playful and should have a large cage. Provide a cage that is at least 20 inches square and 26 inches tall. The spacing on the cage bars should be no more than 3/4-inches wide. You do not want the bird to get its head caught in the cage. Horizontal cage bars offer the best opportunity for the bird to climb and get much-needed exercise. The cage should have enough space to place a couple of perches at different levels. The bird should be able to easily move between the perches.

Clip your cockatiel’s wings and nails twice a year. You can do it yourself, but you must learn the proper method, or else it is very easy for these birds to bleed to death. If you’re uncomfortable with this, an avian veterinarian or breeder can do it for you.

Cockatiels are subject to a few household dangers. Avoid placing the bird’s cage in drafty areas or near the kitchen. Fumes from heated Teflon cookware can kill these birds.



These small birds are sweet and loving, and they enjoy being handled and held. They aren’t always fond of being cuddled. They simply want to be close to you, and they will be overjoyed to see you. These small birds are friendly and affectionate, and they enjoy being handled and held. They are not always fond of cuddling. They merely want to be close to you and will be overjoyed to see you.

Cockatiels are usually gentle, but an untamed bird could bite. Because these birds strive to please, you can prevent undesirable habits from developing at a young age by ignoring bad conduct. Never chastise the bird; it will develop fearful of people if you do. Reward positive conduct while ignoring poor.

Cockatiels are clever birds who can pick up a variety of skills with practice. They’re clever young birds who will relish a new challenge, from waving and whistling to bell ringing. Many cockatiels will occupy themselves for hours by conversing with the “other bird” in a mirror.


Speech & Vocalizations

While some cockatiels take to talking and whistling like it is second nature, some take some time to warm up to those skills. And still, others just will not budge when it comes to saying a word or whistling a note. You will not know whether your new pet cockatiel will talk or whistle until you get home and start working with them.

Female cockatiels, on the other hand, are no slouch; they are also good at mimicking. Sounds from your home, such as alarm clocks, phones, and even wild birds outside, may be repeated by either sex.


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